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Plant and Animal Science

Areas of expertise: Evolution, Ecology, Genetics, and Genomics
Academic editing experience: 8 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, European Journal of Wildlife Research, and Bird Study
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Ecology, Environmental Services, Animal Biology, Medical Sciences, Behavior, Genetics, Evolution, Theoretical Modeling, Life Sciences, Molecular Biology, Marine Processes, Conservation Management, Marine and Terrestrial Animals, Zoology, Reptiles, Botany, Foraging, Reproduction, Telemetry, and Agriculture
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 15
Journals in which editor has published research: Conservation Biology, Functional Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Biological Conservation, Diversity and Distributions, Journal of Heredity, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Marine Biology, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Endangered Species Research, and Marine Turtle Newsletter
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, and Genetics
Academic editing experience: 2 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 4
Journals in which editor has published research: Molecular Ecology Marine Progress and Series Molecular Systematics
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Plant Biology, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 18
Journals in which editor has published research: Trends In Microbiology, Current Opinions In Plant Biology, The Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Molecular Microbiology, Planta, PLoS One, Traffic, Journal Of Experimental Botany, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Plant Molecular Biology, Eukaryotic Cell, Molecular Plant Pathology, Fungal Genetics and Biology, and Gene
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Plant Science, Agriculture, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Zoology, and Kinesiology
Academic editing experience: 2 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: PLoS Genetics and Plant Cell
Special qualifications:
Arts, Media, and Communication

Areas of expertise: Media Communications, Journalism, Business Management, Marketing, and Advertising
Academic editing experience: 20 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: Author of two books, published 2005, 2008
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications: Certified Dental Assistant

Areas of expertise: English, Psychology, Human Relations, and Performing Arts (Dance)
Academic editing experience: 7 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: NA
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: English, Theater, Political Science, Psychology, Education, and Sociology
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Business and Education: Company Brochures, Resumes, Scholarship Applications, College Applications, Job Applications, Educational Manuals, Curriculum Guides, Academic Papers (For Most Disciplines, Including Technical Subjects), and Grants For Nonprofit Organizations
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: NA
Journals in which editor has published research: I have edited numerous technical articles for a language consultant that have subsequently been published; however, the journals in which they appear are confidential and associated with my work for another language consultant.
Special qualifications: Writing Winning Proposals - Rice University; Course Credit for Grant Writing Courses At University of St. Thomas

Areas of expertise: Arts, Humanities, History, Music, and Sociology
Academic editing experience: 10+ years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: countless publications edited
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications: -
Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, Medicine, Immunology, Cell Biology, Autoimmune and Metabolic Diseases, Oncology, and Drug Discovery
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 30
Journals in which editor has published research: Nature, Science, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Immunology, European Journal of Immunology, Immunology, Seminars in Immunology, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Molecular Immunology, Immunogenetics, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, and Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Natural Sciences, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy, Plant Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Plant-Microbe Interactions
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 4
Journals in which editor has published research: Planta Medica, Journal of Plant Interactions, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Neurodegenerative Disease, Pharmaceuticals, and Neuroscience
Academic editing experience: 8 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics Journal, and Journal of Visualized Experiments
Special qualifications: Graduate Certificate in Commercialising Research, Monash University, Australia, 2007

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology, Pharmacology, Signal Transduction, and Cell Biology
Academic editing experience: 1 year
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Biological Chemistry, BMC Chemical Biology, Pharmaceutics, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, and BBA-Reviews on Cancer
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cardiovascular Diseases, Metabolic Diseases, Inflammation, and Nutrition Science
Academic editing experience: 11 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Clinical Investigation, Circulation, and Circulation Research
Special qualifications: Postdoctoral Fellowship of the AHA

Areas of expertise: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Proteasome and Cellular Degradation Systems, Cell Biology and Biochemistry of Neurodegenerative Disease (Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease), Calcium Signaling, Cardiac Cell Biology, Muscle Cell Biology and Physiology, Confocal Microscopy, Cell Biology, and Physiology
Academic editing experience: 9 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 7
Journals in which editor has published research: Cell, Journal Of Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Journal of Applied Physiology - Cell Physiology, Biochemistry, Journal of Alzheimer'S Disease, and Biochemical Journal
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Neuroscience, Cancer Biology, Developmental Biology, and Forward Genetics
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Neuroscience, BMC Neuroscience, and Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Microbiology, Food Science, and Biological Science
Academic editing experience: 20 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 7
Journals in which editor has published research: Mycological Research, Letters in Applied Microbiology, and Environmental Pollution
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Clinical Studies, Lipid Chemistry, Virology, Proteomics, and Cell Signaling
Academic editing experience: 2 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Nature Reviews Cancer, Molecular And Cellular Biology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Preventing Chronic Disease, Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Microbiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology
Academic editing experience: 7 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 8
Journals in which editor has published research: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Bacteriology, and Molecular Microbiology
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Physical Biochemistry, Immunology, and Auditory Science
Academic editing experience: 6 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 14
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Hearing Research, and Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Protein Chemistry, Protein Engineering, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structural Biology, and Bioinformatics
Academic editing experience: 7 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 9
Journals in which editor has published research: Current Bioinformatics, Protein Science, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, and Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology, Developmental Biology, and Genetics
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 5
Journals in which editor has published research: New England Journal of Medicine, BMC Developmental Biology, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Biochemistry Journal, Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology, High-Throughput Small Molecule and Sirna Screening, and Cell Based Assay Development
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 15
Journals in which editor has published research: Molecular Cell, Cancer Cell, Journal of Biological Chemistry, PNAS, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Trends in Cell Biology, American Journal of Pathology, and Cell Cycle
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Molecular Biology and Virology
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 7
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Virology, Nucleic Acids Research, and Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Cell Biology, Biology, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Medicine, Organometallic Chemistry, and Social Sciences
Academic editing experience: 15 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology, Pathology, Medicine, Biology, Zoology, and Botany
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 11
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Immunology, Autoimmunity, Microbiology, Virology, Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Animal Modeling, and Protein-Protein Interactions
Academic editing experience: 6 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Immunology, Immunology, Immunopharmacology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Journal of Pathology, and PLoS ONE
Special qualifications: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic

Areas of expertise: Biological Sciences: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Virology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Botany, Drug Discovery, and Medical Sciences
Academic editing experience: 10 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 12
Journals in which editor has published research: Oncogene, Cell Growth and Differentiation, American Journal of Physiology, Journal of Cell Science, Methods, and International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Special qualifications: Board of Editors in the Life Sciences
Business and Finance

Areas of expertise: Business, Finance, Economics, and Statistics
Academic editing experience: 2 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: NA
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Management, Marketing Communication, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Technical Writing
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Business, Finance, Humanities, Social Sciences, Marketing
Academic editing experience: 8 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: NA
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Modeling
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 5
Journals in which editor has published research: Biophysical Journal, Chemical Physics, and Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Imaging Mass Spectrometry, Principle Component Analysis, Biological Sensors, Protein Separation, Biological Membranes, and Lipid Films
Academic editing experience: 3 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Langmuir, Surface and Interface Analysis
Special qualifications: Chemistry-Biology Interface Fellowship

Areas of expertise: Chemistry, Materials Science, and Computer Science
Academic editing experience: 1 year
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Langmuir, and Materials Research Bulletin
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering, and Physics
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: NA
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Chemistry, Air-Sensitive Chemistry, Polymers, Biochemistry, Natural Products, Catalysis, and Materials Science
Academic editing experience: 7 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 4
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Inorganic Chemistry
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Physical Sciences: Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Development and Processes
Academic editing experience: 20 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 12
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal Of The American Chemical Society, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters, Chemical Communications, Synthesis Letters, Organic Letters, Organic Process Research, Synthesis, and Pharmaceutical Research
Special qualifications: Team Research Award, R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Institute

Areas of expertise: Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Computational Chemistry
Academic editing experience: 7 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 10
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, the Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering, Biofuels, Spectroscopy, Densification, Life Cycle Analysis, Biological Engineering, Material Science, Chemical Characterization of Lignocellulose Using Ftir, Bioenergy, Biomass Processing, Drying, Heat Pumps, Rotary Drum Dryers, Values Addition, Energy Balance and Analysis
Academic editing experience: 13 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 29
Journals in which editor has published research: Drying Technology and International Journal, International Journal of Energy Research, Powder Handling and Processing, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, ASABE, Canadian Biosystems Engineering, Biosystems Engineering, Bioresource Technology, Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR eJournal, Powder Technology, Biomass and Bioenergy
Special qualifications:

Areas of expertise: Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Chemistry, Physics, and Scientific Programming
Academic editing experience: 1 year
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 12
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
Special qualifications: NA
Computer Science and Mathematics

Areas of expertise: Computer Science, Electronics Engineering, Information Science and Technology, Internet and Web Applications, Declarative Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Network Engineering, and Concurrency
Academic editing experience: 6 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 9
Journals in which editor has published research: International Journal Of Innovative Computing Information And Control, Wseas Transactions On Computers
Special qualifications: MCSE

Areas of expertise: Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Operations Research
Academic editing experience: 6 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 5
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Applied Mathematics, Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Techniques, Environmental Radioactivity, and Physics
Academic editing experience: 3 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 8
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Radiological Protection
Special qualifications: -
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science

Areas of expertise: Earth Sciences, Petrology, Mineralogy, Crystallography, Structural Geology (Seismology), Geochemistry, Meteorology, Hydrology, Agronomy, Physical Sciences, Civil Engineering, and Architecture
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Environmental Science, Sequence Stratigraphy, Carbonate and Clastic Petrology, Clay Mineralogy, Petroleum Geology, Geochemistry, Petroleum Engineering, Geophysics, Mining Geology, Museum Conservation and Curation, and Public Health
Academic editing experience: 25 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 22
Journals in which editor has published research: Utah Geological Association Publications, Mountain Geologist, Geological Society of America Publications, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Publications, and Nevada Petroleum Society Publications
Special qualifications: United States Geological Survey –Mackay School of Mines at the University of Nevada Reno, The Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, The H. N. Fisk Sedimentology Fund, The Union Oil Summer Marine Biology Fellowship, The Mobil Oil Scholarship

Areas of expertise: Geology, Physical Geography, Geomorphology, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climatology, Palaeoclimates, Oceanography, Glaciology, Hydrology, Geotechnical Engineering, Mining, Environment, Seismology, Volcanology, Palaeontology, Ecology, and Palaeoecology
Academic editing experience: 6 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: NA
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications:

Areas of expertise: Sedimentary and Quaternary Geology, Geoscience Education
Academic editing experience: 15 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 11
Journals in which editor has published research: Antarctic Journal of the United States, Ohio Journal of Science
Special qualifications:

Areas of expertise: Earth Sciences, Physics, and Material Science
Academic editing experience: 3 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Nature, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Bulletin of Volcanology, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Special qualifications: -
Economics and Statistics

Areas of expertise: Economics, Statistics, Econometrics, and Market Research
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Global Business Review and Archives of Surgery
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Business Economics, Labor and Demographic Economics, and Management Accounting
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Comparative Genomics, High-Throughput Sequencing, Suffix-Based Data Structures, and Algorithm Development
Academic editing experience: 8 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 5
Journals in which editor has published research: PNAS, Genome Biology, Genesis, Nucleic Acids Research, and Cell
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Linguistics, Language Teaching, and Sociology
Academic editing experience: 6 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -
Engineering and Technology

Areas of expertise: Biomedical Instrumentation, Imaging (e.g., MRI, CT, SPECT), Anatomy, Physiology, Physiological Simulations, Animal Studies, and Pharmacology
Academic editing experience: 4 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 4
Journals in which editor has published research: Oncogene, Vision Research, and Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Special qualifications: CSE Member

Areas of expertise: Machine Tools, Vehicles, Patents, Nano Technology, Thermo Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Mobile Telecommunications, Chemistry, Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing Machines and Techniques
Academic editing experience: 4 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Civil Engineering, Environmental Science, and Biology
Academic editing experience: 1 year
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Special qualifications: Certificate in Editing, University of Washington, WA, USA, 2010

Areas of expertise: Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering
Academic editing experience: 4 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -
Environmental Science, Energy, and Sustainability

Areas of expertise: Environmental Sciences, Geography, Remote Sensing, Ecology, and Conservation Biology
Academic editing experience: 3 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Biodiversity and Conservation, Tropical Conservation Science, Ecological Applications, Biotropica, and Primate Conservation
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Earth and Physical Sciences, Sustainability, Renewable Energy Systems, and Energy Efficiency
Academic editing experience: 2 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 1
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -
History, Political Science, and Philosophy

Areas of expertise: History of Eastern Europe (esp. Hungary and the Balkans), the Soviet Union, and North Korea
Academic editing experience: 22 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 4
Journals in which editor has published research: History Today and New Hungarian Quarterly
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Political Science, Political Philosophy, Philosophy, Logic, and Environmental Ethics Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Procedural Law, Federal Law, State Law, Municipal Law, Family Law, Estate Law, and General Legal. Environmental Science, Natural Resources, and Watershed Management Liberal
Academic editing experience: 6 years, 6 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 1
Journals in which editor has published research: NA
Special qualifications: License to Practice Law: Illinois, Georgia, US Federal Courts

Areas of expertise: European History, American History, Ancient History, Economic and Social History, Social Theory, Philosophy (History and Modern Analytical), Biblical Exegesis, Theology, British and American Literature (Shakespeare; 19th -20th centuries)
Academic editing experience: 31 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 2
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Family History
Special qualifications: Matriculated for B.D., Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1970-72
Literature and Linguistics

Areas of expertise: Literary Criticism, Music (Classical), and Education
Academic editing experience: 20 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 600
Journals in which editor has published research: American Record Guide
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Literature, Creative Writing, Theatre, and Education
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 4 (& 5 produced plays)
Journals in which editor has published research: Teaching Artist Journal
Special qualifications: Brogan Award in Fiction, 2008

Areas of expertise: Linguistics, Ancient Languages, Classics, and Syntax
Academic editing experience: 3 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Indo-Iranian Journal Historische Sprachforschung
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Education, Classical Studies, History, and Archaeology
Academic editing experience: 2 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 1
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Literature, History, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences, and Health and Public Policy
Academic editing experience: 8 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 1
Journals in which editor has published research: Modern Fiction Studies
Special qualifications: -
Materials Science

Areas of expertise: Materials Characterization, Microscopy, Molecular/Vibrational Spectroscopy, Synchrotron Science, Atomic, Molecular, and Experimental Physics
Academic editing experience: 5 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 5
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Physical Chemistry, Hyperfine Interactions, Springer Proceedings in Physics, and European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: General Medicine, Cell Biology, Stem Cells, Stem Cell Therapy, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cancer, Developmental Biology, Physiology, and Drug Discovery
Academic editing experience: 4 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Journal of Neurochemistry, European Journal of Cell Biology, and Journal of Biomolecular Screening
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Veterinary Medicine, Virology, and Molecular Biology
Academic editing experience: 9 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Trends in Pharmacological Science, Journal of Virology, EMBO Journal, Helicobacter, and Journal of Bacteriology
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Medicine, Biology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Reproductive and Developmental Biology, and Cardiovascular Biology
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 5
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Biological Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Endocrinology, Molecular Human Reproduction, and Reproduction
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and Connective Tissue
Academic editing experience: 3 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 6
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Biological Chemistry and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Special qualifications: -
Neuroscience and Neurology

Areas of expertise: Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Psychiatry, Biochemistry, and Physiology
Academic editing experience: 20 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 7
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Current Biology, and Glia
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Neuroscience, Functional Imaging, Psychology, General Bioscience, and Biomedicine
Academic editing experience: 1 year
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 4
Journals in which editor has published research: Trends in Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroimage, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Neuroscience, Biosciences, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology
Academic editing experience: 7 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 13
Journals in which editor has published research: Archives of General Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Synapse, Neuropsychopharmacology, Schizophrenia Research, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, and Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Pathology, Neurodegeneration, Neurology, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Clinical Medicine
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 9
Journals in which editor has published research: Aging Cell, Journal of Neurochemistry, Molecular Neurodegeneration, Journal of Neuroscience Research, Neurology
Special qualifications: BELS

Areas of expertise: Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Clinical Science, Physiology, Genetics, and Microbiology
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 9
Journals in which editor has published research: Nature Cell Biology, Development, Developmental Cell, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurobiology, Oncogene, and Developmental Neuroscience
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Neuroscience, Psychiatry, and Cardiology
Academic editing experience: 9 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 2
Journals in which editor has published research: Neuroscience Letters and Psychoneuroendocrinology
Special qualifications: -
Pharmaceutical Sciences

Areas of expertise: Toxicology, Medicine, Physiology (Particularly Endocrinology, Development, And Reproductive Physiology), Molecular Biology, Genomics, Environmental Science, and Fisheries Research
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 26
Journals in which editor has published research: Aquatic Toxicology, Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Health Perspectives, Physiology and Behaviour, Biology of Reproduction, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, General and Comparative Endocrinology, BMC Genomics, Physiological Genomics, BMC Molecular Biology, Zebrafish, and Environmental Biology of Fishes
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Neuropharmacology, Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Behavior, Neurophysiology, Synaptic Function, and Ion Channel Biology
Academic editing experience: 14 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 16
Journals in which editor has published research: Cell, Molecular Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Biochemical Pharmacology, Journal of Neuroimmunology, Brain Research, and Neuroscience Letters
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Pharmacology, Drug Discovery and Development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Epigenetics, Developmental Biology, General Medicine, Cancer Biology, and Stem Cells
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 11
Journals in which editor has published research: Nature Cell Biology, Nature Biotechnology, The Lancet, Genes & Development, Human Genetics, The Investigational Drugs Journal, BMC Developmental Biology, Genomics, Biology of Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update, and Birth Defects Research Embryo Today
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Biomedical Science, Medicine, Neurodegenerative Disease, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry
Academic editing experience: 15 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 48
Journals in which editor has published research: Nature Genetics, PNAS, Human Molecular Genetics, Neurobiology of Aging, Journal of Medical Genetics, Biochemical Journal, Journal of Neurochemistry, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Molecular Neurodegeneration and others.
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medicine, Oncology, and Surgery
Academic editing experience: 3.5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 2
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: BELS-Certified Editor

Areas of expertise: Physics and Astrophysics
Academic editing experience: 4 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 2
Journals in which editor has published research: Solar Physics and Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
Special qualifications: Phi Beta Kappa

Areas of expertise: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Computer Science, Fluid Mechanics, Geology and Geophysics, Mathematics, Nuclear Physics, and Solar Physics
Academic editing experience: 21 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 9
Journals in which editor has published research: Journal of Geophysical Research
Special qualifications:

Areas of expertise: Materials Physics, Materials Science, and Condensed Matter
Academic editing experience: 1.5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 40
Journals in which editor has published research: Nature, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Journal of Crystal Growth and Design, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Multidisciplinary Physics, Materials Science, Imaging and Optics, Condensed Matter Physics, Characterization, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology
Academic editing experience: 2 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 14
Journals in which editor has published research: Physical Review Letters, Advanced Materials, Ultramicroscopy, Philosophical Magazine, and Physics Letters A
Special qualifications:
Psychology and Psychosocial Healthcare

Areas of expertise: Social and Developmental Psychology, Emotion, Attention, and Neuroscience
Academic editing experience: 1 year, 9 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 5
Journals in which editor has published research: Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition Journals of Gerontology Emotion Review
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Psychology, Art and Architectural, Humanities, English, History and Related Subjects, Sociology, Energy, Oil and Gas
Academic editing experience: 13 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 14
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Psychology and Neuroscience
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: -

Areas of expertise: Psychology, Neuroscience, and Chemistry
Academic editing experience: 3 months
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 2
Journals in which editor has published research: Archives of General Psychiatry
Special qualifications: -
Sociology, Anthropology, and Organizational Behavior

Areas of expertise: Sociology, English Literature, Post-Colonialism, Queer Theory, Feminist Theory, Communication and Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Development Studies, Socio-Linguistics, and Current Affairs
Academic editing experience: 5 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: -
Journals in which editor has published research: -
Special qualifications: Diploma, Management in the Community & Voluntary Sector, National College of Ireland, 2011

Areas of expertise: Special Education, Child Development, Teacher Education, Curriculum and Planning, Developmental Delays, Social Work, Child Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Autism, and Classical Music
Academic editing experience: 10 years
Number of publications authored/co-authored by the editor: 3
Journals in which editor has published research: Childhood International
Special qualifications: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Educator